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about espatch1 for ver.10

PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 11:30 am
by patel.mahesh
Dear Sir,

We are using eScan 10 corporate version. and we had espatch1 version 686. Before 3 week I had problem in my PC so I had taken chat support and download espatch version 859. After installing version 859. My some of client which was not updated through server since august, 2010 they all are started update from server after it. And my observation that version 686 is not able to remove virus like "RAMIT, VIRUT,VIRTOB, etc" which is identified after installing version 859 and removed successfully. So my request to you that please release officially version of latest espatch1 which is working fine.

Thanks and regards,
Mahesh Patel

PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 7:41 pm
by tarique
Daer Mahesh,

eScan release Hotfix has been uploaded, kindly refer to the below link for release notes.

You can download latest hotfix from below link.

Thanks & Regards
Tarique Khan

Re: about espatch1 for ver.10

PostPosted: Wed Mar 20, 2019 11:54 am
by Gennyswiss0
I have recently heard about this but will I be able to install it in m device overcoming all the ipod touch problems that I usually face during the usage of it.