eScan v10 on Acer Laptops

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eScan v10 on Acer Laptops

Postby ccsoftware » Tue Mar 03, 2009 1:51 am


I was having problem with some Acer notebooks and the only common link was Escan, I have confirmed that there is a problem with Escan and Acer Notebooks that have a multimedia interface on their keyboards. This weekend I loaded Escan on a new Acer Aspire 6920-6508 and after rebooting the system I could no longer use the keyboard or touch pad built on to the notebook. Escan seems to corrupt the registry settings for the drivers for the keyboard and the touch pad. The only way to get around it is to attach external USB devices, delete and reinstall the devices. This problem occurs anytime Escan performs any kind of scan. Acer runs a device driver called Launch Manager for it’s keyboard and onboard multimedia interface and Synaptic Touch Pad driver for the touch pad. As you can see this does cause a problem so I have had to resort to using Bitdefender as an alternative program.

C&C Software Solutions Inc.
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Postby vikas » Wed Mar 25, 2009 5:31 pm

We could correct this. Can you send the logs (mwav.log) to from the scan that deleted these registry entries?
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eScan v10 on Acer Laptops

Postby Garth Massey » Tue Mar 31, 2009 1:30 pm

where do we stand on this as client has got acer laptops and the keys also dont work now .. please let me know.
From Garth Massey
Garth Massey
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