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eScan V11 Corporate RC2 Edition

PostPosted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:40 pm
by Gurdip Singh
Dear All,

We are glad to present eScan V11 Corporate RC2 Edition. Following is the download link for the same. ... n2k3ek.exe
FileVersion: 11.0.1139.953
FileSize : 494194720 Bytes
MD5-Hash : b06e7645860de953d6bb028936e06b8b

New Features added:

1. Secure Web Interface
2. Dashboard
3. Integration with ADS ( Active Directory Services )
4. File Reputation services
5. Self Protection Services
6. Custom Client Installation
7. Network Based Outbreak Prevention
8. Support for SYSLOG and SNMP
9. NAC/NAP and VMware support
10. License Management
11. Computer Locator
12. Remote Management of Clients through RDP
13. Self Protection
14. Device Control ( USB )
15. Hotfix Management
16. Client Live Updater
17. Reports and Notifications
18. Task deployment

Here is the brief presentation on eScan Corporate Version 11: ... 11corp.ppt

Kindly revert your feedback to