Deployment eScan with /nofw switch

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Deployment eScan with /nofw switch

Postby Vladimir » Mon Mar 08, 2010 4:36 pm


Can I deploy eScan to clients with eScan Management Console with /NOFW switch

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Location: Belgrade, Serbia

Postby Shrinivas » Thu Mar 11, 2010 5:58 pm

Hi Vladimir,

As the forums was under up-gradation,we were unable to reply you.

Please find the procedure to deploy eScan client without firewall.

1) Right click on eserv icon on task-bar & Click on "Open eScan Management Console"

2) Go to "Services" & check whether view type is Normal or Network, if it show to select "Network View",Select "Network View".

3) On Left panel of Windows you will find "Microsoft Windows Network" --> Select your Domain or Workgroup there,
for e.g if you Domain is "eScan" double Click on it it will show you List of Computer's in that Domain or Group.

4) Select the Host in that Domain or Group ->After Selecting the Host Right Click & Click on "Get Status of eScan Installation".

5) A new window will open & it will start checking status of eScan.
(Note:You should get connection as "Successful" and status "Not installed" on fresh machine)

6) After Selecting host Right Click on selected Host--> then Click on "Remote Install/Uninstall/Upgrade Software"-->then click on "Install Other Software"-->
Then Click on "Browse" Button->then Select the Location where Client.exe is stored.
Then Select "File to Execute" as Client.exe.Also in "Command-line Parameter" section mention "/NOFW /s"
And click on start button.

7) A window will open Showing Deploying Status.

This will install eScan Client without escan firewall on the client machine.

(Note:: You can rename the setup file as Client.exe in SMB versions to get the eScan Client version. )
With Regards,

Shrinivas P.
MicroWorld Technologies Inc.
Posts: 113
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Location: Mumbai

Postby Vladimir » Fri Mar 12, 2010 4:16 am


I did everything and it work.
After instalation explained by this rules,
eConServ service is not instaled and in eScan Protection Center under Protection there is no Firewall icon.

After applying Hotfix espatch1, Firewall icon re-appear in eScan Protection Center under Protection. eConServ is not instaled after appling espatch1.

I try to install Hotfix with "/NOFW /s" and without "/NOFW /s" switch and I get same result.
I try this with all 3 version of eScan that have EMC Management Console - Corporate, AV 4 SMB, ISS 4 SMB.
version of eScan: 10.0.1058.567
Hotfix version

It will be great to have something like "Modular instalation to clients" with EMC management Console. By this I mean, when we instaling eScan to clients Admin can choose moduls that don't want to install.
For instance, I allmost never run Firewall, Anti-Spam and Mail Anti-Virus.
I know I can disable this with deploying rules, but it will be nice option

Posts: 9
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Location: Belgrade, Serbia

Postby Shrinivas » Fri Mar 12, 2010 6:34 pm

Hi Vladimir,

From next hotfix,it will not install the firewall component by default.
Also as far as Modular deployment is concerned,by default when you deploy eScan client,you only have "File Antivirus" module ACTIVE on the client end.
And to enable other INACTIVE modules,you can always deploy a policy from the server.
So,it does not need to have any additional other Modular deployment option.
Do let us know your view.
With Regards,

Shrinivas P.
MicroWorld Technologies Inc.
Posts: 113
Joined: Wed Jan 02, 2008 6:18 pm
Location: Mumbai

Postby Henning » Wed May 19, 2010 12:52 pm

dear microworld team,

i did these steps, but the client did an automatical reboot after installation of eScan, even if i did not set the flag for "automatically rebooting after install" in the "eScan Install Options". please fix this behavior.

thanks and kind regards,
Posts: 55
Joined: Thu Sep 10, 2009 2:41 pm

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